Swagger Dorm Room Ideas for 2019

Dorm room ideas


A step into the college world is most likely, the first serious move in a teenager’s life. You leave your home and all the familiar places for the sake of new, suddenly such an adult life. You are excited on your way to multiple experiences that never happened in your life before.

Student Adulting 101 - Life Organization Tips

Student adulting


Being an adult comes all of a sudden. As the adulting college life begins, the structured life created by your parent disappears, and you face a totally opened space. Of course, no one will tell you to do your homework or to make your bed. And as the clutter and stinkiness amplify in your dorm room, you feel less and less control over your life.

5 Efficient Creative Writing Exercises

Creative writing exercises


Creative writing is every form of narrative that is not academic or technical. Poetry, diary, novels, or feature articles in your newspaper is a form of creative writing. Why is it so crucial to master this particular skill? Well, it won't make you fit or strong, but it will feed your brain. Creative writing is not going to fix your financial situation, but it is going to help you with individual growth.

How to be single

How to be single


How to be ok with being single? - my friend asked me once when we went for a walk. It’s not the first time I’m getting this question. Peter had been dating Julie for five years. Recently she broke up with him, and it appeared he doesn’t know what to do now and how to enjoy his single life.

Writing Quotes: Top 3 Methods of Embedding Quote in Your Essay

Writing quotes


It may seem so simple – you find the quote, you put it in your writing. However, there are hundreds of pitfalls you may fall into. What about punctuation, the position of the phrase, its meaning? There are advancing stages with writing quotes, and the better you get at it, the more cohesive your essay will be. Thus, the easier it is for your examiner or teacher to read the paper.

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