8 Reasons to Practice Creative Writing

Creative writing


Usual human competencies like creativity become incredibly important in the age of robots and artificial intelligence development. On the Internet, there are many articles, video guides, and discussions about how to develop it. Creative writing is an obvious method. Still, many people find it complicated and scary.

Start your Career: How about the Internship?

Effective internship


There exist a variety of ways to start an impressive career. In this article, you will get an idea of one of them. Internship in a big company is considered one of the greatest starts for a successful career. You make a mistake thinking that such an internship program is useless because it is unsalaried. In most cases, reliable and reputable organizations mind their internship programs to be fully paid work, followed by a chance for a specialist to stay within the company.

THEY KNOW HOW: Student time management (Famous People Strategies)

Student time management


You will see how it is different in college. Everything you do, you have to plan by yourself only. Part-time jobs, classes, assignments, breakfast and lunch, parties with friends. It is called adult life. Unfortunately, there is no manual you can follow. One thing you should remember about is that college years are essential. Your brain works perfectly. Physically you are strong and healthy. And you need to make sure you are productive and effective. To put this all together, you need to think of your time management strategies. People accomplish their goals not because they are superheroes, they just know how to manage their time.

All you need to know about the flirting



A girl living in New York might have a different approach to life than a girl from Japan. However, each of them might rack her brain on how to show the guy that she likes him. And how to understand if he likes her back? People are not always straightforward to each other because they are afraid of being rejected. So, they play a good old game called flirting.

What is automotive engineering? How to become an automotive engineer?

Automotive engineering


Attention is sharp, hands tight on the steering wheel. No thoughts are racing in his mind, just phrases: faster, breaks, blind turn, slower, and then uphill fast... Every second lasts for ages and indeed, is crucially important for the end result. It is June 29, 2018, the last race for Tim Bernhard at Nürburgring Nordschleife - one of the most dangerous ring roads in the world, a.k.a the Green Hell.

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